
All-star cast play dangerous game of cops and robbers in intense Triple 9 trailer — watch

Casey Affleck, Kate Winslet, Woody Harrelson, and more star in John Hillcoat's latest action drama


    Before director John Hillcoat (The RoadThe Proposition) and Shia LaBeouf teamed for Lawless, the pair were supposed to make a film called Triple 9. Hillcoat decided to put that movie on hold, but he wasn’t ready to let it go completely. He sat on it for a few more years, reworked it, and came back with a stunningly good cast. With Casey Affleck in what would have been LaBeouf’s role, the film also stars Woody HarrelsonAnthony MackieChiwetel EjioforKate Winslet, Clifton Collins Jr.Gal GadotTeresa PalmerAaron Paul, and Norman Reedus. And they’re all gunning for each other.

    The intense action flick is set around a group of cops blackmailed by the Russian mob to pull off an impossible heist. In doing so, they concoct an equally improbable plan involving a code 999, otherwise known as an officer down. When things inevitably don’t go as planned, all hell breaks loose and alliances are tested. Matt Cook’s script is loaded with seedy characters, gritty drama, and heart-pounding double-crosses. From the looks at the recently released trailer, audiences can expect some edge-of-your-seat tension, and the heartbreak of figuring out who to root for. Check it out below.

    Originally slated for a fall release, Triple 9 is due in US theaters on February 19th. Find the full synopsis below.

    “When a crew of dirty cops is blackmailed by the Russian mob to execute a virtually impossible heist, they realize the only way to pull it off is to manufacture a 999, police code for “officer down”. The chaos that ensues when a police officer is shot in the line of duty is just the diversion they’ll need to do the job, but whether they have the will to kill one of their own is an entirely different matter. Their plan is turned upside down when the unsuspecting rookie they set up to die foils the attack, triggering a breakneck, action packed finale tangled with double-crosses, greed and revenge.”


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