
Top 10 TV Shows of 2020 (So Far)

Needless to say, television has been working overtime this year

Top 10 TV Shows of 2020 (So Far)
Artwork by Ben Kaye

    Our Mid-Year Report comes to a captivating conclusion today as we reveal the Top 10 TV Shows of 2020 (So Far). In case you missed it, be sure to revisit our previous mid-year lists for top albums, songs, metal albums, and films.

    Television’s always been there. There’s a reliability to the boob tube that gives us solace day in and day out. It’s the reliable notion that no matter how awful things get in real life, you can always eject, curl up on the couch, and escape into a story.

    Well, rest assured, television has been working overtime in 2020. As billions of people across the world stay locked inside — we can only hope — the small screen has become less of a life line and more of a permanent member of the family.


    Fortunately for all of us, we’ve been living in a time of Too Much Television, something we’ve complained about ad nauseam over the last couple of years. Of course, the joke was on us because now we’re at the risk of … Not Much Television.

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    Not really, though. Because as we’ve learned over these last few months, television has a strange way of evolving, and as long as it’s there — and it’s even remotely entertaining (see: Tiger King) — it’s just enough of an escape to keep us sane.

    And let’s be real, sanity is a high currency these days.

    –Michael Roffman


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